One purchased product = One kilo of plastic collected
The global Pandemic might have slowed down tourism and hospitality, but iLoveEcoEssentials proved that this wasn’t a reason to put activities to sleep. While hotels were closed in 2021, the team – together with PlasticExchange, collected more than 57.082 kilos of plastic waste from the Indonesian Island, creating a better future for both wildlife and humans. All this translates into an important promise for the customers of iLoveEcoEssentials;
“for each purchased product, one kilo of plastic is being collected in nature.”
Hotel customers are given a yearly certificate based on their purchase (e.g., 600 purchased bottles equal 600 kilos of plastic collected in nature etc.); something that truly strengthens their branding and storytelling.
“iLoveEcoEssentials has always – at its core – been about being the change. While Covid was raging and putting an end to tourism, we felt the need to make a difference for this beautiful island – one of many places in the world that are more than usually dependent on the travel industry, and at the same time so challenged by plastic pollution”, says Mia Thielsen who is one of the founders of iLoveEcoEssentials. “By partnering up with PlasticExchange, we wish to make a difference, not only for the environment but also in the hotel industry. For the hotels, this is a unique opportunity to increase their sustainable commitment”, she says.
Short facts:
iLoveEcoEssentials has been pioneering the path of sustainable luxury within the hotel industry since 2016. Read about iLoveEcoEssentials’ story here.